Hi Every one, this time, I'm going to leave you guys my essay upon the unit two: Honesty is the Best Policy.
Honesty and leadership.
In these days, here in Dominican Republic we can observe a great lack of leadership in our politicians. People are trusting less and less the words of those whose represent us in the congress and even in the government. One of the main reasons for which people in this country don't believe in politicians, as they did in the past, is because politicians have been lying to the people all the time. They have been historically dishonest with the people; Trust and Leadership are to be fundamentally built upon Honesty, and unfortunately we don't trust them. I'm going to present some of the common ways politicians, here in Dominican Republic, show dishonesty to the people.
Politicians in this country use to mislead the people. Before the get the position they are running for, they keep telling the poorest segments of this society that they are going to govern in their favor, and that they are going take them out of poverty. However once the get the position they never again talk about those issues they said they were able to solve for the people.
Another lack of integrity is to tell the people that they are going to govern with equality and equity. However, when we verify the international indicators that measure social equality and equity in the world, Dominican Republic still shows a big gap among social classes, and a very low progress in the reduction of the poverty, which is really contradictory if we consider that our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has been experiencing a constant increase on the past twenty years. That reflects they don't keep their words even when they got economical resources.
In Dominican Republic dishonest politicians are very common. I know everybody in this blog remember the case of the Lucia Medina and the Backpacks issue or cases such as Omsa, supertucanos just to mention a few examples of dishonesty being inflicted by Dominican politicians.
There are a lot of more cases that give us bunch of reasons why Dominican people don't trust politicians.
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