Unit 2: Inconvenients at schools

These days in our schools disrespect have been pervaise in classrooms. The students are taking doing actions out of place, but the wrost is that this becaming a trivial issue, cases as: adults giving gifts to children, students kissing each other in the hall, expletives in posters and the Social Medias had tattling on them, but just on a post.

Now I wonder myself, where are the teachers? The educational system have been misleading us, and the future of this nation aren't secure at all, the authorities try to veneer these barbarities , but nevertheless their exposed to society. Anyway we can't relentless the efforts to build a better country, because if we contront this kind of things, Principals and Teachers will conceal their faces, and the others will be more alerts and will try to do a better job.

And I'm not inflated my opinion, I'm just trying to be direct wrong thnigs must be punish, and we must fight to build a better country and it's start since home and schools.
