The Feng
Shui is an updated system in which people can find help and a solution to
organize their house. For instance, if you bought a new house and is big or
small and you do not know how to arrange it The Feng Shui is the keys to the
success. Is the art of placement, is create a harmonious atmosphere in your
household. Living plants are also important for a household. Obviously not just
plants but anything alive ranging from fish to animals such as birds, ferns,
potted flowers and bonsai trees.
The meaning
of Feng Shui:
feng shui was widely used to orient buildings—often spiritually significant
structures such as tombs, but also dwellings and other structures—in an
auspiciousmanner. Depending on the particular style of feng shui being used, an
auspicious site could be determined by reference to local features such as
bodies of water, stars, or a compass. Feng shui was suppressed in China during
the cultural revolution in the 1960s, but has since seen an increase in
many people belive in the theory of Feng Shui because this is the art of
arranging the physical surroundings to create harmony and good luck.
Good feng
shui design in your garden will help attract nourishing, high quality feng shui
energy to your home, as well as delight all your senses. When it comes to a
good feng shui garden design, the size of your garden is not the main criteria.
Yes, of course, it is wonderful to be surrounded by a big, lush garden; but if
all you have is just a small space to work with, you can still create a good
feng shui garden design. Feng Shui can help you in your daily life because you
could be relax , and you see the life different, when the people practice this
they belive that the arrangement of the elements in our environment can affect
many aspects of our lives such as health, hapipiness , and fortune....
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