My 12 year old daughter is a liar.

I´m really sad to say that my 12 year old daughter is a liar, when her father and I broke up, he decided to make my life impossible and he took our daughter with him, he got married many times causing that our daughter could not get only one family customs.
We fought in court for her and at the end of everything with his social and political status; he won the case and got my daughter´s custody. Due to the situation and her father´s up and downs, she develops some abilities, which was my biggest preoccupation by that time, among does the most pervasive and difficult to handle, to lie. 

It´s very difficult for me to accept this reality, but we are finally doing something better for her,  the relentless work
 as a team we made to treat her with phycologist, different therapies and her amazing doctor that has done a finely honed job, my daughter has shown improvement.

But my husband and I think that this is not a trivial situation, due to we have encountered arguments due to my daughter´s father, he is very intrusive and he use to believe all my daughter´s lies. A couple of years ago, he said that he was tired of dealing with my daughter´s lies and he called and told me to keep her due to his veneer has fallen about her lies.

We finally got to an agreement and stop tattling on each other´s, this problem was handled and we can notice the erosion of her lies, but as well as the erosion of our trust in her.
