Spiritual Renewal unit 6

Spiritual renewal 

You’re a person who wants to walk with God but you’re having a tough time. So, what do you do? Where can one start in the search for spiritual renewal?
Start with the realization that spiritual renewal comes from God. Don’t seek the experience of spiritual renewal, but seek the one who renews your spirit.
When people came to Jesus to have their needs met, very often He redirected their thinking. He taught them to lift their eyes from their own daily necessities and seek God first. He told them, “He will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern.” (Matthew 6:33). In the same way, the psalmist in Psalm 111, encourages his listen­ers to look to God first, who will then meet their needs. He writes, “Who can forget the wonders He performs? How gracious and merciful is our Lord! He gives food to those who trust Him; He always remembers His covenant.” (Psalm 111:4-5)
So it is with your spiritual hunger. Spiritual renewal doesn’t come from seeking spiritual renewal. That only results in a temporary emotional high lacking the true substance that God can provide. Instead, seek God and surrender your will to His. Let it be your first thought each morning when you start your day.
